Comprehensive Early Intervention Program
For young children with Autism, Comprehensive Early Intervention, utilizing the techniques of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), leads to the greatest developmental outcomes. Comprehensive interventions can encompass up to 40 hours of therapy a week, typically in a 1:1 format. The child is taught skills related to communication and social interactions, while addressing restricted interests or challenging behavior. Comprehensive Early Intervention addresses a variety of domains of development. Therapists develop thorough Treatment Plans to monitor skill acquisition and progress. CFD utilizes play-based, naturalistic instruction when working with young children, ensuring intervention is developmentally appropriate, fun, and family friendly.
Functional Behavior Asessments
Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) address challenging behavior. During the assessment, the function or “why” of a behavior is evaluated, giving families a better understanding what may trigger a behavior. Using function, a BIP outlines helpful strategies and recommendations to prevent the behaviors and how to react to them when they do happen.
Caregiver Training
Caregiver Education involves participation and training of adults involved in the child’s every day care. It is vital that caregivers understand how to encourage language and social interactions, while preventing and responding to challenging behavior. Caregivers can be trained how to follow through with therapy procedures and aid their child’s development at home. Caregivers will be given goals of their own to master to create the best environment for the child.