Psychologist, Devon Redmond leads social media workshop on March 1

Devon Redmond PhD, a psychologist at the Midtown office, is leading a community presentation at The Fletcher School Rankin Institute on Children & Social Media


This workshop will he helpful to parents who want to help their child navigate the online world safely and appropriately.  Dr. Redmond will review some of the most popular social media sites and explore the misconceptions about social media use by kids.  She will provide practical guidelines and strategies for parents to help their child navigate the online world safely and appropriately.  Other topics will include the prevalence of social media use by children and cyberbullying. 

Date:  March 1, 2016

Time: 7-8:30 PM

Place:  Rankin Room at The Fletcher School

Cost: $10.00

Contact: Laura Hutchinson,, 704-365-4658, ext 1155

Click here to visit the Rankin Institute website for information and registration. 

The psychologists at Child and Family Development offer individual psychotherapy that can address a wide range of difficulties including autism, attention and executive functioning difficulties, mood issues, emotional regulation, anger management, family problems and overall adjustment issues. 


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