Parents as speech therapists and the Hanen Program


Melinda Bumgardner Schatz, MA, CCC-SLP, a speech therapist at the Midtown office of Child and Family Development, is one of two Hanen certified speech therapists here. 

The Hanen Program – It Takes Two To Talk is appropriate for children that are not yet intentionally communicating to children that are beginning to combine words. The child must also have an identified language delay. Parents and caregivers will learn how to identify their child’s current stage and style of communication and practical strategies for developing their child’s language skills. 

Melinda places high importance on parents and caregivers.  They have a big influence on a chlid’s speech and language development.  

Find information about parents as therapists here and the Hanen website,   

Read more about our It Takes Two To Talk program here

Our Hanen certified therapists, Melinda Bumgardner Schatz and Stephanie Gerlich, are available to share their expertise.  





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