Parent Tips for Promoting Reading

The 2019 – 2020 school year was anything but typical. It’s likely safe to say that after weeks of virtual learning, parents and students alike are thrilled that summer is here! While everyone deserves a much needed break, it’s important to continue to encourage your child to read during summer vacation. Here are some resources and tips for promoting reading during the summer months.

Variety is important. Some students may have required summer reading assignments. Whether your child has an assigned book to read or not, offering a variety of texts will keep them engaged. It’s all about building an endurance for reading and engaging with books. The more opportunities we can provide for children to engage with text, the better. The following ideas are perfect for reluctant readers as well.

  • Build fluency by reading lyrics to a song by one on their favorite artists
  • Cookbooks and cooking magazines
  • Read directions to a new board game and teach a friend or sibling.
  • Comic books and graphic novels
  • Short story collections are a fantastic option for kids that tend to become disinterested or abandon books before finishing them.
  • Need suggestions for books you child may like? This website has hundreds of titles organized by interest, age and links to compare prices.

Make reading part of your child’s day. Some families prefer to add reading time to a daily schedule, while others choose to take a more informal approach. Regardless of your preference, it is helpful to set expectations for school age children and plan ahead for independent or shared reading time. This plan should include what to read, how long to read and where to read.

  • Visit this website for general information about reading milestones for children.
  • Here are some ideas for creating cozy designated reading spaces at home.

Celebrate accomplishments. As you set goals for reading, think about how you and your child can celebrate a job well done! You may choose to praise their effort in reading each day or celebrate the completion of a book.

Don’t forget about technology. Online books and audio books count as reading too! It’s important that your child follow along while listening to a book online to promote reading fluency and accuracy skills. Technology options such as, iPads, Kindles and Audio books are a great option for children that may be intimidated by a lengthy chapter book.

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