Parents and Guardians play a significant role in their child’s education. Positive communication between teachers and parents can help improve a child’s academic performance. Regular communication can help a parent gauge how their child is doing in school, both academically and socially, relative to peers of the same age.
Here are some tips for initiating positive communication with your child’s teacher.
- Meaningful Introductions: While there are typically many opportunities for families to meet teachers at the beginning of the school year (i.e. open house, curriculum night, etc.), these encounters do not provide a real “get to know you” atmosphere. Families may find it helpful to send an email or schedule a meeting before to introduce themselves.
- Don’t wait until there is a problem: Start communication with the teacher on a positive note. You might acknowledge a fun class activity your child mentioned or offer to volunteer in the classroom. Every school year has its ups and downs. Taking the time to recognize and talk about the positive experiences, can make any difficult conversations down the road a little more comfortable.
- Ask questions: Educators have different teaching styles, expectations and methods for running their classroom. If you have questions about the curriculum, classroom routines or school policies, don’t be afraid to ask.