Occupational Therapy: Hate to wait? Try this easy idea for kids.

Abbey Wash, MOT, OTR/L, an occupational therapist at the Midtown office of Child and Family Development, recently reviewed an article.  This post by Stephanie Yamkovenko on OT Connections via American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) shares ideas for managing children’s challenging behaviors with activities and tools.  

Abbey follows the AOTA‚Äôs one-minute update emails regularly and some information in this one got her attention, particularly the coaster game to play while waiting in a restaurant.  So easy and genius!

The activity involves gathering 3 or more coasters, marking one with a label like a smiley face, and moving them about.  Then, a child guesses where the smiley face coaster is.  Parents can incorporate concepts like earning reward of leading the game, turn taking and keeping score too.    

Click here to watch a video demonstration of the activity. 


Our 10 occupational therapists are licensed by the state of North Carolina.  We do not employ assistants or aides. We are in-network with many insurance plans, including Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield NC, Cigna, Medcost, North Carolina Medicaid, Primary Physician Care, South Carolina Medicaid and United Health Care. Clients also may pay privately and access out-of-network benefits.

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