Meghan Davidson-Palmer OT promotes free Learning Without Tears‚Ñ¢ handwriting resources 

Learning Without Tears

Meghan Davidson-Palmer MS OTR/L is an occupational therapist at the Midtown office of Child and Family Development.  She has completed several educational courses from Learning Without Tears‚Ñ¢ (LWT) (fomerly Handwriting Without Tears) related to handwriting, cursive and keyboarding.

LWT has some great webinars that are easily accessible to parents who may have questions or are looking for ways they can help their children with handwriting. Meghan recommends one in particular on reversals that provides helpful information on this common handwriting challenge and is definitely worth watching!

Here are her top picks for free Learning Without Tears webinars that parents may find helpful: 

Our team of occupational therapists can help your child improve proficiency in handwriting, cursive and keyboarding. 

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