Letter School Handwriting App

By: Kati Berlin OTR/L


Sometimes working on letter formation and drawing shapes isn’t very exciting for some of my kids.  That’s when I turn to using different mediums such as shaving cream, paint, chalk, or my tablet.  One of my favorite apps for handwriting is the Letter School App.  It costs under $10 and covers uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and number formation.  The app has colorful animations and fun sounds that keep kids engaged.  It can be set for Handwriting Without Tears style (which is my preference), D’Nealian, or Zaner-Bloser.  Each letter is set up in a graduated format, first all you have to do is push the correct buttons.  For the next screen you have to trace the letters.  And on the final screen the visual cues disappear completely and you have to draw it without support.  It only lets the user draw the letter with correct formation and if you have a hard time it adds extra visual cues so that you can be successful.  They also offer an app for cursive writing that uses the same format.  I’d recommend the block style app for kids 3 and ½ years old and up, depending on their skill level!


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