Early intervention services at Child and Family Development

cfd__3_photosChildren with severe impairments benefit greatly from early intervention (EI), improving their overall health and quality of life. Infants and toddlers with mild to moderate developmental issues may not be identified as easily.  This may delay the process to a quicker resolve for underlying developmental delays. When evaluations and treatments begin at an early age, many of these delays can be resolved quickly and children will not be affected in the long term.

Child and Family Development EI services are office-based and include:

    • Occupational Therapy
    • Physical Therapy
    • Speech Therapy 

Benefits include:

      • Working one-on-one with a licensed therapist in a therapeutic setting that is designed to support new learning techniques and challenge the child’s developmental abilities
      • Our clinics contain special tools, toys and equipment that allow the therapist to challenge children in a unique environment
      • Parents and caregivers participate throughout the therapeutic process, from the evaluation to treatment sessions to discharge
      • Therapists regularly provide ideas and activities for the home and community that imitate the activities that are performed during treatment sessions to ensure carryover and promote developmental growth

For early intervention, timing is everything. We can schedule appointments quickly.  Call the Child and Family Development offices or click here to get started!

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