Resource for College Bound Students with Learning Disabilities


This time of year, high school students are beginning to think about college planning.  Unfortunately, many students with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia and dysgraphia, may be unsure if they are college material. In most situations that is far from the truth.

In fact, there are many colleges and universities ranging from small to large that offer programs and support services for students with learning disabilities. It is very important for students and their parents to understand the resources that they may be eligible for.

One website I have found to be very helpful is the College Resources for Disabled Students section of Best This website does an excellent job of helping students with both physical and learning disabilities learn about their legal rights and where to find assistance on campus. This website also provides an extensive list of websites, apps and software resources designed for students’ specific needs.

In addition, high school students with learning disabilities will often need an updated psychological-educational evaluation in order to be eligible for support services in college. Our educational diagnosticians provide this service at our offices in the Charlotte and Pineville areas.


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