PROMPT Trained Speech Therapist

One of my favorite areas to treat is motor speech difficulties, which includes apraxia. I have heard about PROMPT as a therapy technique, but had never really had the opportunity to see someone using it in treatment. Cathryn Caldwell, a speech therapist who recently joined our practice, is PROMPT trained.

I was curious about PROMPT and asked her to come into a session with one of my kids. The child responded very well to prompting. All of the sudden I realized that I was looking at the missing link for treating children with motor planning difficulties! PROMPT was all about teaching the motor planning sequence for connected speech! I knew I had to become trained.

In June, I traveled to Columbus, Ohio, for the Introduction to PROMPT Technique course.

I am now a Level One PROMPT-trained therapist. I began incorporating my new knowledge into my sessions as soon as I returned. Becoming trained is a tool that is invaluable to the children I see and my personal growth as a therapist.

Here is a picture of me with my PROMPT certified instructor Tracey Delio (left). She was fantastic! I definitely plan to continue my PROMPT training in the future!

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