Accommodations: College Board Exams

By: Jessica DeLing, MEd

The College Board is a nonprofit organization, whose mission is to connect students with learning opportunities at a variety of schools across the country. This organization is widely known for administering standardized assessments to promote college readiness. If your child will require testing accommodations for the SAT, PSAT, or an AP exams this year, these supports will need to be approved by the College Board. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we think about teaching, learning and the academic experience for students. While many colleges and universities have waived the SAT and ACT testing requirements from their admissions criteria, it remains unclear as to whether or not these schools will return to using these assessments in the future. Even if a college or university has made these tests optional for the time being, some students may still choose to take these assessments in order to meet scholarship or special program requirements. Should your child require accommodations for these tests, you need to be aware of specific documentation requirements and important deadlines. The following information is intended to help families navigate this process. However, if you have additional questions, or would like to consult with one of our Educational Specialists, we encourage you to reach out to us.

Who is Eligible?

Students with a documented disability that functionally limits their ability to participate in College Board exams, may qualify for testing accommodations. These students must demonstrate the need for specific accommodations and provide current documentation of using such resources on school tests. More information about eligibility can be found HERE.

Requesting Accommodations

All requests must be submitted in advance and approved by Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). It is important to note that eligibility cannot be determined using notes from physicians, current IEPs or 504 Accommodation Plans. Students currently receiving accommodations at school will still need to make a formal request. Information about requesting accommodations through the College Board can be found HERE.

Providing Documentation

The College Board requires specific criteria when considering accommodation requests. Currently, documentation that includes the following information is required. Additional items may be needed, as requirements vary based on the type of accommodation or disability. More information about the process for providing documentation can be found HERE.

  • A clearly stated diagnosis
  • Current evaluation data
  • Educational,Ā developmental, and medical history
  • The diagnosis is supported
  • The functional limitation is described
  • The recommended accommodations are justified
  • The evaluatorsā€™ professional credentials are established
Your request for testing accommodations to be approved by the College Board can take weeks. It is very important to be aware of the deadlines for submitting documentation. Follow this link to view dates and deadlines for the 2021-2022 school year.

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