Saving the Best for Last

As a pediatric occupational therapist, the parents and caregivers must be involved in the child’s therapy.

The last 10 minutes (sometimes more) are such an integral part of the occupational therapy process. This is the time that I like to spend showing off your child’s hard work, discussing activities to do at home, and brainstorming with you to shape the next occupational therapy session. I have had parents tell me that they look forward to coming back to the therapy room as they have not been comfortable asking questions in the waiting room. I also use this time to alter and finalize homework plans. I had one parent tell me that the homework I was going to send home was not going to go over well with the child. I was so happy to hear this! This opened up great communication between me and the parent to discuss the skills that needed to be addressed for this child. Together, the parent and I identified an activity that was more client-centered.

All of the therapists here at Child & Family Development are invested in your child’s care and encourage your questions, concerns, and involvement in your child’s therapy.

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