ADHD Testing
ADHD Testing & Treatment in Charlotte
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is marked by a pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. If your child is experiencing these symptoms often enough to have an impact at home, at school, or in social situations, it may be time for an assessment.
Children with ADHD often face challenges with executive functioning skills, including organizing tasks, managing time, paying attention to details, and planning ahead. Emotion regulation difficulties is also a common feature that can impact peer and family relationships.
Request a Comprehensive ADHD Evaluation
At Child & Family Development (C&FD), families requesting an ADHD evaluation with are scheduled into one of the following appointment types based on the information shared at the time of scheduling:
Diagnostic Evaluation: This includes gathering detailed concerns and background history. Evaluation appointments with the child/adolescent/young adult are then provided to directly assess various areas of functioning and clearly pinpoint diagnosis, recommendations, and treatment plan. A feedback appointment is also scheduled to ensure families understand the results and receive strategies for home support.
Initial Medication Evaluation: This concierge medical service, available for toddlers through young adults, is led by a Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician. It includes a thorough evaluation of current symptoms, Genesight assessment for accuracy in prescribing, and expert education on medication and other treatment options. The evaluation with our specialists will dictate whether there are more ADHD services recommended.
Common Symptoms of ADHD in Children
Inattention – A child who shows a pattern of inattention may often:
- Fail to pay close attention to details or make careless mistakes in schoolwork
- Have trouble staying focused in tasks
- Appear not to listen, even when spoken to directly
- Have difficulty following through on instructions and fail to finish tasks
- Have trouble organizing tasks and activities
- Avoid or dislike tasks that require focused mental effort, such as homework
- Lose items needed for tasks or activities, for example, books, assignments, pencils
- Be easily distracted
- Forget to do some daily activities or chores
Hyperactivity and impulsivity – A child who shows a pattern of hyperactive and impulsive symptoms may often:
- Fidget with or tap his or her hands or feet, or squirm in the seat
- Be on the move- in constant motion
- Have trouble playing or doing an activity quietly
- Exhibit excessive talking
- Blurt out answers, interrupting the questioner
- Have difficulty waiting for his or her turn
- Interrupt or intrude on others’ conversations, games or activities
Treatments for ADHD In Charlotte, NC
Standard treatments for ADHD in children include behavior therapy, counseling, education services, and medications. These treatments can relieve many of the symptoms of ADHD, but they don’t cure it. It may take some time to determine what will work best for your child.
ADHD Behavior Therapy
Children with ADHD often benefit from behavior therapy, social skills training, parent skills training, counseling, or play therapy which may be provided by a psychologist, or other mental health professional at C&FD.
Examples of therapy can include:
Behavior therapy – teachers and parents can learn behavior-modifying strategies, such as token reward systems and timeouts.
Social skills training – designed to help children learn how to engage appropriately with their peers.
Parenting skills training – helps parents develop ways to understand and guide their child’s behavior.
Play Therapy – provide age-appropriate therapeutic environment to help children learn emotion regulation skills.
Counseling – allows older children with ADHD to talk about their challenges, help them manage their symptoms, and develop positive coping strategies.
Schedule an ADHD evaluation with Child & Family Development
Our experienced team is dedicated to helping parents understand their child’s unique needs and providing a clear, comprehensive plan for moving forward.
Contact us to schedule an ADHD evaluation today and take the first step toward support.