Using Music to Bond and have Positive Interaction with Your Child

By: Anna Tamburello, M.Ed., LCMHCA, MT-BC

Music is often used for recreation, entertainment, and coping, but it also serves as a vessel to connect people with one another. Human beings begin responding positively to music from the day we are born and it affects our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and associations. You can utilize music in several ways to bond and connect positively with your child.

  • Sing to/ with them: Did you know that your voice is the most soothing and comforting to your child? Hearing a parent’s voice regulates the heart rate and breathing rates of infants. It also improves language and cognitive development in infants and toddlers. Singing to your baby will allow them to bond, learn, and feel safe with you!
  •  Create a playlist with them: This can be a fun activity to do together and a great way to open up conversation about your child or teenager’s thoughts and feelings. You may choose to create a playlist based on a certain emotion or event happening in your child’s life. You can go through each song together and discuss why that song may be meaningful to them, or just listen to the playlist on your own time to better familiarize yourself with their interests!
  • Dance/ move with your child to their preferred music: Movement to a chosen song allows children (and adults) to exert energy and express emotions in a healthy way. This can also bring laughter and invite creativity.
  • Let your child choose what you listen to during car rides/ downtime: This is a great way to give your child autonomy and let them know that you value their preferences and opinions. This also allows them to have a positive connection with this time rather than it being a mundane part of the day.
  • Learn an instrument together: Parents often choose to enroll their child in lessons on an instrument, but it can be even more motivating to the child if the parent or caregiver is learning alongside them. Learning an instrument along with your child allows for empathy as you are experiencing similar difficulties and areas of growth. This is also something that caregivers and children may begin at any age and continue to practice throughout their life together!

Engage in one of these activities with your child to promote healthy expression and connection with others!

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