Testing Accommodations: College Board Exams

College Board Exams & Testing Accommodations: A Guide for Parents

Understanding the process for requesting accommodations on College Board Exams can be overwhelming. While guidance counselors and teachers are wonderful resources, having a solid understanding of this process as a parent is incredible helpful. The following information can be useful in understanding if your child qualifies for accommodations, when and how to apply, and what documentation you’ll need.

Who is Eligible?

Students with a documented disability that functionally limits their ability to participate in College Board exams, may qualify for testing accommodations. These students must demonstrate the need for specific accommodations and provide current documentation of using such resources on school tests. https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/how-accommodations-work/who-is-eligible

Requesting Accommodations

All requests must be submitted in advance and approved by Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). Eligibility cannot be determined using notes from physicians, current IEPs or 504 Accommodation Plans. It is important to note that students currently receiving accommodations in school, still need to make a formal request. To learn more about applying for accommodations, visit https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/request-accommodations/request

Providing Documentation

The College Board requires specific documentation when considering requests. When requesting accommodations, documentation must include the following:

  • A clearly stated diagnosis
  • Current evaluation data
  • Educational, developmental, and medical history
  • The diagnosis is supported
  • The functional limitation is described
  • The recommended accommodations are justified
  • The evaluators’ professional credentials are established

Additional information may be needed and requirements can vary based on the type of accommodation or disability. To learn more about documentation requirements, visit https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/request-accommodations/provide-documentation

If you’d like to learn more about what accommodations are available for each test, visit https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/how-accommodations-work/for-each-test

The following link provides information about important application dates and deadlines https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/request-accommodations/dates-deadlines

If you have questions about this process our Educational Specialists can help. Parents are encouraged to request an appointment online or visit our website for more information.