Teens and Social Media

As technology expands, so can the gap between what you and your teen know about social media. Often teens and tweens are on the cutting edge of social media, with adults left to try to learn about the latest new thing. Technology can be a wonderful way for people to stay connected, especially if they live far apart. However, as a parent, it is important to be familiar with all types of social media your tween or teen may be using. Here are a few of the most popular social media applications/websites:

  • Facebook
  • Tumblr
  • Vine
  • Instagram
  • Twitter

Recent research supported by NIH and conducted by Dr. Jennie Noll suggests parents should talk to their children about online media use. She found that being involved with a child’s online presence proved key in protecting children. Setting parental control devices did little to protect them. Talking about what they use and how they use it should happen in a safe, non-threatening manner. Ask questions. Your child probably has a lot to teach you!

Listen to this Department of Health and Human Services podcast at: http://www.hhs.gov/news/healthbeat/2013/05/20130503a.html