Speech therapists complete Beckman Oral Motor course

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Recently two speech therapists, Allison Parker and Michelle Pentz, completed a continuing education course called ‚ÄúDebra Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention‚Äù 

The course focused on three areas related to helping people with oral motor difficulties that may contribute to problems with verbal expression and/or swallowing. The objectives were: 

  • Demonstrate assessment battery for determining oro-facial movement patterns using the Beckman protocol
  • Demonstrate compensatory handling techniques
  • Demonstrate oral motor interventions and treatment techniques

The topics are related to many kids and teens that we help who present with apraxia, articulation / speech sound production errors, diet texture aversions, drooling/ saliva management, oral hygiene issues, sensory processing difficulties and other areas. 

Allison and Michelle enjoyed the “hands on” and “mouth on” course and will use the expertise with many clients. 

Our speech therapy team of 9 offer free phone intakes and are accepting referrals. 



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