School Days ideas from C&FD: homework tips from an educator/ tutor


The lobby board at the Midtown office of Child and Family Development is full of good ideas related to school- aged kids.

Our education team contributed a list of homework tips for parents:

1.  Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to do homework with minimized distractions.

2.  Have all of the necessary materials nearby, such as paper, pencils and a dictionary.  

3.  Help with time management.  Establish a set time and work on larger projects together.

4.  Be positive and emphasize how important school is.

5.  Demonstrate how homework is related to adult skills and activities.  Read while your child is reading or balance a checkbook while your child is practicing math.  

6.  Provide guidance, not answers.  

7.  Cooperate with the teacher and follow his/her homework instructions.  

8.  Stay away when homework is meant to be done alone.  This helps kids learn to be independent learners.

9.  Talk with the teacher and stay informed on assignments.

10.  Encourage your child to do hard homework first, so alertness is high.

11.  Allow short breaks if the child is frustrated. 

12.  Reward progress and celebrate successes. 

For a more detailed list, visit the US Education Department.  

Need a tutor or academic consultant? Our team of 3 Educational Specialists are expert diagnosticians and offer several individual and group support services. Read more here


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