report card time= tutoring services in Charlotte


It’s close to reports card time for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Gaston County Schools and many regional private schools. Sometimes, parents find it can be a challenge to interpret their student’s progress on a report card.

In grades K-2, it can be particularly hard because oftentimes students are graded by using a numerical system of 1, 2, or 3.  Letter grades and number grades can certainly give information about how a child is progressing. However, it is often more important  to look at the whole picture. For example, if your child is making 1‚Äôs in reading in first or second grade, this indicates they are having difficulty working to grade level standards, which is a concern. If your child earns 2‚Äôs in reading in first or second grade, gather additional information before becoming overly concerned. Ask for a conference with the teacher to find out exactly what your child is having difficulty with in reading.

Reflect on the past 6 months to a year and determine if this has been an ongoing area of concern, or is it something new.

Child and Family Development has 3 highly experienced Educational Specialists.  All have Master’s degrees and experience in both teaching and testing in schools.  Also, they are trained in many specialty approaches.    

Mary “Mo” Froneberger, MAT
Jessica DeLing, M.Ed.
Marie Pacini, MAT

They help families interpret a student’s status. Then, make a plan for improvement.

Learn more about our tutoring and academic coaching services here.  

Services occur at our two convenient locations in the Charlotte area. Private rooms and educational support materials make these services focused and functional.  Homework and projects may be incorporated into sessions, along with learning and compensatory strategies. 


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