Testing for Learning Disorders

Child and Family Development offers comprehensive psycho-educational assessments for people ages 3 years into early adulthood.

Often, both an educator and a psychologist are involved.  Psychologists administer the cognitive, social-emotional and executive functioning measures.  Educational Diagnosticians administer the academic achievement portion, along with additional measures to determine any underlying processing difficulties that are interfering with school success.

The assessment is a 3-step process that includes:

  • Intake appointment: a 1 hour interview with the parents
  • Testing Sessions: multiple visits with the psychologist and educator to complete standardized testing, checklists and clinical discussions
  • Interpretive Parent Conference: a 1 hour parent meeting with the psychologist and educator to share the testing results and review recommendations

These assessments can identify or rule out attention difficulties, autism, developmental disabilities and delays, learning differences and learning disabilities, social-emotional concerns, as well as school readiness and classroom accommodations.

All 6 psychologists hold Doctorate degrees and are licensed by the state of North Carolina.  We are in-network with many insurance plans, including Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield NC and Primary Physician Care. Our clients also may pay privately and access out-of-network benefits.

All 3 educators hold Master degrees and have testing/ diagnostic experience.  Each has worked in the public schools and is familiar with IEP parameters.

Read more about getting started here.


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