Heading off to college? Is this your first year? Do you have a disability?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then there is some preparation you should do during the summer months.
- Contact the college disability service center. Find out the documentation you need to receive services, as well as the services they offer.
- Have an updated evaluation that documents your disability. Most, if not all, colleges/universities require an up-to-date evaluation or documentation of the disability. Some require the documentation be within 3 years, others within 1 year.
- Meet with the staff at the disability service center and get a tour of the school. Discuss in detail your needs as well as what you feel you need to succeed and see how they can support you to reach your goals.
Two books (one for parents, one for students) that may further assist in preparation for this transition are:
- Ready for Take Off: Preparing Your Teen With ADHD or LD for College, by Theresa E. Laurie Maitland, PhD and Patricia O. Quinn, MD
- On Your Own: A College Readiness Guide For Teens With ADHD/LD, by Patricia O. Quinn, MD and Theresa E. Laurie Maitland, PhD
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