Physical therapist, Gail Fennimore looks into “text neck” troubles


Gail Fennimore PT PCS C/NDT is one of the most experienced and tenured physical therapists at Child and Family Development and works at our Midtown office.  

Gail has a reputation for reading professional journals regularly, but found an interesting article in The Costco Connection recently that grabbed her attention almost as much.

The article about “text neck” troubles explains how our society is adopting more awkward postures and “turtling in” as screens get smaller and smaller, resulting over time in loss of normal spine curvature.  The outcomes can include neck and shoulder pain, headaches, premature disk degeneration, arthritis, bone remodeling and a hunched back. 

Tips to prevent text neck include:

  • practice perfect posture
  • vary postures, set limits and take breaks
  • bring devices to eye level
  • use talk-to-text feature and use Siri
  • strengthen neck muscles

Results from one recent research study revealed that physical therapy care can reduce pain, improved range of motion and correct spine curvature.  Our team of 6 are trained in anatomy, pain management and strengthening activities.   



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