Child & Family Development Child & Family Development

October 31, 2014

October is Bullying Awareness Month: Cyber bullying

“Be on the lookout for bullying, and if you see something, say something, do something.”

–U.S. Department of Homeland Security

It makes sense that bullying occurs in environments where children are surrounded by other children. Nowadays though, that does not just mean at school; it also means through the variety of social media outlets that children are consistently exposed to.

What is cyber bullying?

  • Cyber bullying is bullying that occurs on electronic technology (i.e., phone, computer, or tablet). The bullying occurs via social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Examples of cyber bullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

 How is cyber bullying different?

  • It can occur at anytime of the day
  • The source can easily remain anonymous
  • The information can be distributed at a very rapid pace
  • It can be quite difficult to remove the posted information
  • Research continues to grow; however, with how rapidly technology continues to change, it is difficult for researchers to capture trends

How is cyber bullying similar?

  • It has the exact same effects on children who are bullied in person.


Although the blog series on bullying prevention is ending, the conversation does not have to. 

The psychologists and educators at Child and Family Development can help children who have been the victim or are the perpetrator of bullying.  Contact us at 704-541-9080 (Pineville) or 704-332-4834 (Midtown) if you would like to schedule a session to talk with one of our highly skilled psychologists and educators. 
