Occupational therapist, Kim Toomer completes kinesiology taping course


Kim Toomer MS OTR/L, an occupational therapist at the Pineville office of Child and Family Development, recently completed training in the Evidence-Based Kinesiology Taping for Pediatrics from Summit Education. 

The workshop reviewed how to integrate kinesiology tape into occupational therapy sessions, including how to apply therapeutic tape to multiple areas of the body and improve outcomes in various conditions. 

Kim shares, ‚ÄúThis class addressed and reviewed many evidence based kinesiotaping techniques for the pediatric population. I thought it was especially interesting that the teacher referred several times to kinesiotaping as a way to ‚Äúsend the therapists hands home with the client‚Äù as the tape can facilitate the same things at home that I can in a session. I look forward to using many of the techniques I have learned in my pediatric practice.‚Äù

Our team of 12 occupational therapists is ready to help! 



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