Occupational therapist, Kati Berlin, recommends the Scaredy Squirrel book series

Kati Berlin, MS OTR/L, occupational therapist at the Child and Family Development Pineville office, has found another fun activity to enjoy in occupational therapy sessions! This one is an award winning book series by Melanie Watt called Scaredy Squirrel.  Check out her website to learn more.  

Katie thinks these books are a great laugh but are also a great resource for children with anxiety or sensory processing difficulties.  The stories can help kids with situations such as dealing with nightmares, making new friends or coping with crowds.  The Scaredy Squirrel stories have similar plots, in which Scaredy is prepared for the worst and then winds up finding out that things are better than he expected. 

  • In Scaredy Squirrel Makes A Friend, Scaredy is not very fond of leaving his tree because of the risks that it can bring. He makes a plan about how to make a ‚Äúsafe friend‚Äù and packs everything he needs, but his plan is foiled by sweet dog (with scary teeth) who just wants to be Scaredy‚Äôs friend. 
  • In Scaredy Squirrel At Night, Scaredy is afraid of going to sleep because of nightmares.  The author helps teach children about the possible effects of not sleeping.
  • In Scaredy Squirrel At The Beach, Scaredy does not want to go to the beach because he is afraid of being around too many people.   He discovers that the beach with crowds is way more fun than the beach he created out of kitty litter under his tree.  

Thank you Melanie Watt for making some awesome social stories!





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