occupational therapist: everyday items and fine motor skill building


Kim Toomer MOT OTR/L, occupational therapist at the Pineville office of Child and Family Development, found this fun resource for families and colleagues.

The article from Hey Mommies.com lists 10 everyday items that promote fine motor skills for children under 5 years old.  These basic items are small and inexpensive and would be great additions to an Easter basket. 

  1. Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils
  2. Scissors
  3. Tongs 
  4. Stickers
  5. Pipe cleaners and beads
  6. Playdough 
  7. Fuzzy ball pom poms
  8. Clothespins
  9. Finger paint
  10. Shaving cream 

Read the full list here.   


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