Looking for therapy services for children, adolescents and young adults near Steele Creek?
Child and Family Development has two offices close by:
- The Midtown office is in Charlotte, located near the Park/Woodlawn intersection, next to Park Road Shopping Center. It is easily accessible from 1-77 and Billy Graham Parkway and is about 10 miles from the Steele Creek area.
- The Pineville office is in Pineville, located next to Carolinas Medical Center. It is easily accessible from I-77 and the 485 loop and is about 10 miles from the Steele Creek area.
Our 7000 SQ offices are inviting, casual and family-friendly. We want you to feel welcome and comfortable. The lobbies are cozy. The therapy rooms are private and fun. We’ve found the balance of a professional office and an enjoyable place for all!
Our multidisciplinary clinic has been helping children and families since 1980. The team of experienced therapists can assess and treat a wide range of childhood concerns, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia and other learning disabilities or special needs. Multidisciplinary services include:
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Educational testing and tutoring
- Psychological assessment and support
The Contact Us tab on our website will link you to our address and a map.