Knowing How to Study

Kids with learning differences may not have a solid understanding of effective strategies to use when studying. Middle school and high school students may become overwhelmed or fatigue easily when reviewing content for a test. Although there are a number of study strategies and tools for students to consider, these basic recommendations may offer a place to start.

  • Make meaningful connections and associations.
  • Produce mental images
  • Verbally state facts, vocabulary, dates or other information aloud and repeat as necessary.
  • Create visuals: write down information, map information using a graphic organizer, draw diagrams or rewrite notes.
  • Plan and schedule time to study.
  • Try a variety of memory techniques, such as, using acronyms or keywords to remember information.
  • Review information alone, with the parents, or a study group. “Teach” information you have studied to someone else as a method for reviewing.
  • Prioritize information presented on study guides or in textbooks by identifying which information is the most difficult to understand or remember, and beginning with that.

As students try a variety of studying techniques, they may need the support of teachers or parents to help become aware of which strategies seem to work best.

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