If You Can Read This, Thank a Teacher.

This week was Teacher Appreciation Week! Join us in celebrating our educators at Child and Family Development!

Did you know?

  • People in the United States started celebrating ‚ÄúTeacher Day‚Äù in 1953 when Eleanor Roosevelt insisted that Congress set aside a day to recognize educators.
  • Teacher Appreciation Day did not become nationally recognized until 1980.
  • In 1984 the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) designated the the first full week in May as Teacher Appreciation Week.
  • The NEA (National Education Association) states that National Teacher Day is ‚Äúa day of honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives.‚Äù

We are proud to recognize the educators at Child & Family Development. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to Marie Arrington, Jessica DeLing & Mo Froneburger!