IEP Meetings: after the meeting

In North Carolina, most public schools manage an Individualize Education Plan (IEP) for elementary, middle and high school students via a standard process.  There are many resources available to parents including the Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center Parent Training & Information Center

At Child and Family Development, Mary “Mo” Froneberger and the other Educational Specialists can help parents make the most of an IEP meeting, based on their professional experiences in local public schools and working knowledge of the system.  

Mary is finishing up a blog series that offers some suggestions, including what to do after the IEP meeting, based on the ECAC.

FOLLOW UP:  Await copies of all applicable records and request again if you don’t receive them in a timely manner.  Share the information with others involved with your child, especially teachers and therapists (speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, tutors, psychologists, etc.). Periodically review the IEP and compare actions to the plan to ensure progress.  Do not hesitate to contact the school representatives with questions.  

Connect with our Educators directly if you have questions about the IEP process by calling 704-541-9080.  

Read more about our educational assessment and support services here


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