Getting Back To Work program: Down Syndrome Association of Greater Charlotte

We are pleased to partner with the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Charlotte to offer

“Getting Back To Work”


This is a program for teens and adults with Down syndrome. The focus is to build skills necessary for a transition from school or home life to occupational or vocational endeavors.

The class is led by Aleks Liss, Psy.D., psychologist and Barb Hartshorn, MS CCC-SLP, speech therapist, both of whom have experience in teaching social skills and life skills to others. They will teach adult communication skills and provide a structured and engaging way to learn and practice these practical interactions with others.

Topics include:

• Relationships: differentiating personal and professional associations • Communication: introductions, handshakes and social awareness

• In The Community: identifying opportunities, making inquiries and interview skills (asking questions, answering questions and etiquette) Parents and caregivers will attend the last part of each session and be involved in weekly assignments.

Classes are scheduled for Monday evenings from 6:15-7:45 pm at the Midtown office of Child and Family Development Midtown for 4 weeks: April 13, April 20, April 27 and May 4.

Classes are approximately 90 minutes: 60 minutes of group work and 30 minutes reserved for group Q&A and wrap up with parents/caregivers.

Contact Stephanie Cook at DSAGC:; 704-536-2163

Registration ends on April 7. 

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