Child & Family Development Child & Family Development

November 5, 2015

Get The Most Out Of Therapy: using benefits by the end of the year

As we near the end of the calendar year, Child and Family Development wants to remind you to make the most of insurance benefits.  

Many insurance plans have benefits that end on December 31.  In most cases, the unused benefits are lost when the new year begins.  Often, deductibles and flexible spending accounts have specific end dates.  Here are some suggestions: 

  • Most importantly, talk with the therapist about the medical necessity of services for your child, teen or young adult.  If additional services are appropriate, we can schedule any necessary appointments. 
  • Many plans provide coverage for a specific number of visits per year.  Consider adding sessions for the remaining weeks, as clinically appropriate, and utilize the allowable visits. 
  • If your child was discharged or took a break from therapy earlier this year, come back in for a check-up.  Consider booster sessions to see how things are going and update any home programs.
  • Schedule an updated evaluation.  We adhere to best practice standards of an annual assessment for occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy clients.

Now is a great time to make those plans!  Give us a call at 704-541-9080.