Educator, Mo Froneberger expands dyslexia expertise

Mary ‚ÄúMo‚Äù  Froneberger, MAT, educational specialist at Child and Family Development- Pineville, completed a webinar by Learning Ally called Spotlight on Dyslexia. The focus was Assistive Technology: Solutions for Increasing Learning Independence and Classroom Participation by Marc Surabian.

Mo learned about how assistive technology allows students with disabilities, particularly learning disabilities, better participate in learning in their academic setting. Mo learned about how apps for computers and tablets can help students who have deficits in reading, math, handwriting and organization.

Mo plans to use this information to help her clients diagnosed with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, as well as attention disorders including ADHD. She will specifically use the information to make recommendations for assistive technology fort these clients.


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