Educator has a holiday book list

Jessica DeLing M.Ed., educational specialist at the Midtown office of Child and Family Development, is making a list of BOOKS and checking it twice.  

Here is one reading pick for young students:

She says, “It has been my experience as a mom and teacher, that finding books to engage elementary school age children isn‚Äôt always easy.  In my book, reading is reading. Comic books, LEGO model instructions, Pokemon Cards‚Ķif kids are reading it‚Ķit counts.  But I think it‚Äôs safe to say that we all have a vision of our children or students curled up on the couch with a good book and a strong love of reading.   It‚Äôs true that Captain Underpants books will have kids laughing for days and The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is loved by many.  However, if you are looking for something different that reluctant readers love, I suggest trying the this series. It is kid tested and approved.” 

The Geronimo Stilton series, by Elisabetta Dami, is about a mouse living in New Mouse City.  He is a journalist for the fictional newspaper, The Rodent‚Äôs Gazette and is always on an adventure.

Reading Level:  Books range from 2nd ‚Äì 4th grade reading levels

Kid Approved:  An 8 year old boy says: ‚ÄúGeronimo is so funny and has crazy adventures!  I like pictures and color words.  These are my favorite books because they are not boring.‚Äù

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Follow her blog over the next several weeks for more book picks and holiday gift ideas!


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