Does your child have a healthy start to their development?
When I am 4 years old, I can…
- learn to share in small groups
- interact with kids my age
- talk in 4-5 word sentences and grow my vocabulary
- pronounce /f,s/ and /s/ blends clearly
- improve my grammar with correct words in a sentence
- expand verbs to include –ing and –ed endings
- answer and respond to simple questions
- describe objects
- grow my symbolic play by “acting out” a story with dolls and puppets
- name and identify some primary colors
- understand some spatial concepts, like “on”, “off”, and “under”
- understand some size concepts, like “small” and “large”
- name 3 items in a category
- follow 2-3 part unrelated directions
- recall 3-4 numbers
- count from 1-5 with objects
- request permission
- walk in a straight line
- try to skip
- hop on 1 foot without losing my balance
- jump forward with my feet together about 2 feet
- walk down stairs without holding a rail
- push and pull objects
- catch a large ball with both hands without being afraid of it
- climb and slide
- throw a small ball overhand
- complete a small puzzle
- cut a paper in half on a mostly straight line with children’s scissors
- paste with both hands
- copy simple shapes messily
- go to the bathroom mostly independently
- begin to manipulate clothing fasteners (buttons, snaps, and zippers)
- draw a person with at least 3 body parts
- color mostly within the lines
- wash my face independently
Learn more about your child’s development at