Does your child have a healthy start to their development?
When I am 2 years old, I can…
- enjoy vocal and physical interactions with others
- put things away where they belong
- pretend play with toys or objects
- talk in short 2-3 word phrases with about 50% intelligibility
- pronounce /m,b,p,n,t,d,w,h/ clearly
- name some common objects and grow my vocabulary
- use some verbs and action words
- identify some named objects by pointing or getting them
- follow some simple directions without help
- verbalize my toileting needs
- walk independently
- walk up and down stairs while holding a rail
- kick a large ball more easily
- run without falling frequently
- jump up with both feet off the floor
- assist with all of my dressing tasks
- eat a variety of foods and food textures
- eat with a fork with some spilling
- drink from a cup without spilling
- turn the pages in a book independently
- thread beads or a shoelace
- flip switches
- copy a line messily
- stack toys to build a tower
- line up some toys or objects in a row
Learn more about your child’s development by visiting www.childandfamilydevelopment.comĀ