Child psychologists can help alleviate the stress of test taking


Students often worry about taking tests. Elementary school-aged children stress about the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools End of Grade (EOG) tests and older kids stress about the PSAT and SAT as they prepare for college.  

Anxious feelings can develop prior to test taking, including lack of sleep, lack of appetite, lack of confidence, easy agitation, and irritability.  Thus, students experiencing test anxiety may not be off to such a great start.  While sleep and food are important, proper preparation prior to testing as well as being able to relax your mind and body during testing so optimal performance can be reached are extremely important. 

If your child experiences stressful and anxious feelings about test taking, consider getting help.  A child psychologist helps students experiencing test anxiety through a series of sessions aimed at reducing worry and fear, raising self-confidence, becoming aware of proper study habits and test taking techniques.

Our team of 6 is ready to help: 

Gretchen Hunter, Ph.D. Joy Granetz, Ph.D.
Aleksandra Liss, Psy.D.  Brandyn Street, Ph.D.
Devon Redmond, Ph.D. Chris Vrabel, Psy.D.


Read more about anxiety in children here.  

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