Child and Family Development welcomes physical therapist, Blake Templeton


Blake Templeton DPT joined the Child and Family Development team this month.      

He is a licensed physical therapist who recently completed a doctoral program at Elon University.  Although a new therapist, he has been immersed in the pediatric community for about ten years, acting as a camp counselor and coordinator for Rainbow Express Ministries, including the establishment of a program in Haiti.  he is passionate about seeing kids succeed and bridging physical gaps to promote participation and inclusion with peers.   His experiences include working with a wide array of children during an internship in outpatient pediatrics that included infants, children and young adults with a wide spectrum of skills and needs. In addition, he holds a BA in Exercise and Sports Science and a BA in Psychology from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

He works at the Midtown office.

Welcome Blake!  

Read more about our physical therapy services here.         





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