Autism and Social Skills: Tips from a speech therapist



The Child and Family Development team is excited about our upcoming conference, Autism Spectrum Disorder Conference: A Multidisciplinary Review of Current Research and Interventions.  The conference includes 3 breakout sessions, including some related to communication skills.  


Super Duper, a pediatric therapy supplies vendor, offers many free handouts related to building expressive language skills and receptive language skills.  Our speech therapy team endorses these suggestions for teachers and others is the classroom for Helping The Child with Autism Build Peer Relationships and Friendships

  • Designate classroom helpers.  The student with autism can benefit from opportunities to practice social skills, engage in cooperative learning and focus on others.  
  • Invite the student and/or the parents of the student to share information about autism with others 
  • Dialogue about the unique gifts and challenges that each and every one of us have 

Speech therapists evaluate and treat children and teens with autism to help them improve communication skills.  

Read more about speech therapy services here.   


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