Resource for ADHD

By: Dr. Gretchen Hunter, Ph.D.

As a psychologist who provides diagnostic assessment and treatment for ADHD, I wanted to pass on these helpful tips from the summer issue of ADDitude. This magazine focuses on issues and treatment for ADHD and is a great resource. Considering suggestions from individuals diagnosed with ADHD can be helpful to professionals when providing guidance to those newly diagnosed.

 What habits do people with ADHD wish they had started earlier?

Readers of ADDitude Magazine shared their thoughts on what habits help them manage their ADHD. Take a look – they might be helpful for you or your family!

  • Seeking out the support and knowledge of someone else with ADHD. It’s helpful to talk over common problems and learn from others about how they solved these problems.
  • Keeping a small notepad on hand to write down important information and dates.
  • Learning to take things less seriously by asking oneself questions like, “does it matter and to whom?” “why does it matter?” and “should it matter?”
  • Taking time to relax.
  • Getting regular sleep and setting a sleep schedule.
  • Engaging in positive self-talk.
  • Being okay with asking others for help.
  • Organizing belongings, instead of throwing everything in one catch-all location.
  • Curbing cell-phone use.
  • Loving oneself as you are!

Adapted from: ADDitude Summer 2019 issue

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