Katie Eggleston DPT attends Kinesiotaping course

Katie Eggleston DPT, physical therapist at Child and Family Development- Pineville, attended a Kinesiotaping course this month from Summit Professional Education.   

She learned the scientific basis of kinesiology taping. how to identify who will benefit, physical properties and methodology of kinesiology tape versus some other sports tapes, how to safely and effectively apply basic kinesiology taping techniques, taping applications based on client needs and indications and contraindications to kinesiology taping.  She looks forward to an upcoming course on taping techniques for orthopedic, neurological and genetic pediatric disorders. 

Katie expects to incorporate the knowledge and products into sports injury rehab, like sprains, strains and muscle pain. 

She also experienced being taped and has determined what will and will not work for the little ones she evaluates and treats.  


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