Physical Therapy: March Madness Around-The-House with Katie Eggleston DPT


Katie Eggleston DPT, physical therapist at the Pineville office of Child and Family Development, emphasizes that we can improve our health and build motor skills not just in a physical therapy session or gym, but in everyday events and activities already happening around the house.

In March, Katie suggests her take on “March Madness” (or “March Sadness” if your team didn’t make it to the tourney this year…like hers).

  • Pick-up basketball games! Choose a team to cheer for and start some friendly rivalries in the driveway with ‚Äúhalf court‚Äù games or even small games like ‚ÄúHORSE‚Äù or ‚ÄúKnockout‚Äù.
  • Working on ‚ÄúTourney Training‚Äù with agility drills, shuttle runs and ball handling skills is a fun way to build strength and coordination.
  • Pre-game warm up stretching for hamstrings, quads, calves, and trunk, which is good for all ages and any level of gross motor skills.
  • Halftime competitions or ‚Äúevents‚Äù such as foot races, cheer competitions, balance games incorporate fitness and motor development.

Who knows, maybe this could lead to a family tradition or become your child‚Äôs new favorite time of the year.  Can you tell it is her favorite time of the year1?! MARCH MADNESS!!

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