Physical therapy helped my child with autism learn to ride a bike

Amy Sturkey LPT is an experienced and highly trained physical therapist at Child and Family Development in Charlotte. 

She is expanding the “Learning To Ride A Bike” program now.   


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One family shares this experience:

My daughter has autism.  Although she has mastered pedaling the adaptive bike, we have not been able to get her to steer or even care to. 

Amy developed an innovative approach to help her with this issue. After working with Amy, she is now grasping the idea of steering, paying attention to what is ahead of her and turning away from it.  She no longer is looking down at the ground while riding.  Now, she looks ahead and does not run into the grass.

We are looking forward to the day she can ride her bike down the street and back without someone hanging on to her!  

Read more about her Learning To Ride A Bike program here