Media attention on adults with autism spectrum disorder

We have noticed more and more media attention on aging people with autism spectrum disorder and their access to support and care. 

  • Jessica Hoffarth, MS, OTR/L, found this article from Tom Insel, MD, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) about the Autism CARES Act (for Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support). The law ensures the continued work of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), but it also brings new opportunities to focus attention on an area of concern for many parents‚Äîwhat happens when their children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) mature into adulthood? 
  • This month, NBC featured a story titled “You Don’t Outgrow Autism…” on Dateline about individuals aging out of access to public and private support programs and the impact it can have on their functional skills and daily life.  
  • The TEACCH program from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill spotlighted their supported employment program providing job coaches for autistic adults and T-STEP (TEACCH School Transition to Employment Program) on their website

Child and Family Development supports this media exposure and offers evaluation and treatment services for kids, teens and young adults with autism. Read more about our services here

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