Don’t Take Our Word For It: teachers notice a change

Parent-teacher conferences can be harrowing, unless the school staff are noticing improvements in a student’s success.  

Earlier this month, a mom shared this great news about her daughter with Aleks Liss, PsyD, psychologist at the Midtown office:   

“I had a meeting with all her teachers yesterday.  One teacher said that this was the first time when school received such a detailed and through report on a student.  Thank you very much for that.

All of her teachers were very receptive and positive in what we are doing and they did see some changes with her. One teacher said that homework was complete and very well written. I was very proud of her.

Since her testing, she has an understanding about why she wasn’t getting good grades, her self-esteem seems to go up and she is more confident.

Thank you so much for all your help.” 

Read more about Dr. Liss’ work with teenagers on our blog.  






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