Don’t Take Our Word For It: OT, PT and Speech

Discharging a young client so he can pursue other opportunities in the community can be bittersweet for the pediatric therapists at Child and Family Development.  Receiving a note like this from parents makes it a whole lot easier.  

Here is just a portion of the note we received from the mother of a child who was receiving Physical Therapy with Leslie Cordero, Occupational Therapy with Megan Bevington and Speech Therapy with Melinda Bumgardner at the Midtown office: 

...We are so very thankful for each one of you!  Words are not adequate enough to describe the heartfelt thanks to each of you and the staff at C&FD  over these past two years!   From our first moments with Mr. Fisher Price Piggy Bank, to swings, balance beams, bean bags, buckets, puzzles, books, bubbles, Cookie Monster, the scooter board, the pedalo, the ball pit, trampoline, legos, food, eat , more, drink, eat more, drink more,  Go Go, Yo Yo,  and I am not all done yet  LOL, scribbles, laughter, frustration, tears, trials, successes, TGIF for the Listening Program, brushing,  rocks (poop) in the diapers, the I Pad, Mr. Potato Head, balls, peg boards, flash lights, spinners, drums, music, cars, chewy tubes, tunnels,  gears, and for everything else I didn’t mention in the past two years,    you have done it all and you have  a special place in our hearts and lives forever!

We thank you for loving  our son, teaching him, and teaching us how to bring out the best in him, in order to maximize his potential and meet his needs.   You have a special place in our hearts and lives forever!   We feel  C&FD has been a good starting point for our family, and now my sweet caterpillar  is ready to spread his butterfly  wings and fly!   Regardless of  all the changes going forward…I will continue to keep you posted of  all his  progress.    

There is a poem I  read  that you may be familiar with, though at the moment I cannot recall the title of the poem or its author.    It is about a boy throwing starfish back into the sea after they washed up on a shore.  An older gentlemen approached  the boy and questioned why he would waste his time doing such a thing, when there  were far to many starfish on the shore dying  than the boy who could rescue them.   He wondered how the boy could possibly make a difference.   As the little boy threw a starfish back into  the water, he told the old man, “I made a difference for this one!”    Thank God for choosing to be a therapist as your profession .  He has a special calling for each of you, and I am thankful that part of it  was fulfilled for our family at this place and time!  Thank you for taking time to throw” our starfish “back in the water!  Your profession and dedication do not go unnoticed.  Continue to reach out to all your “little starfish”and don’t ever grow weary, because you will continue to make a difference for that one! 

With heartfelt thanks and gratitude, thank you for touching our hearts and lives FOREVER.  We love you all!… 

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