When I am 18 months old, I can…
- echo your speech intonation patterns
- use jargon speech with about 10-20 real words
- talk with mostly unintelligible speech
- talk in 1-2 word phrases
- use gestures, like pointing, to help me communicate
- follow some simple directions
- know the names of more familiar pictures and objects
- bear weight in my arms and my legs
- enjoy a variety of movements and positions
- lean over to pick up an object
- walk independently without falling
- walk up and down stairs with help
- run with frequent falls
- attempt to kick a large ball
- remove my shoes and socks
- throw a ball with improving forward motion
- stack small objects
- make marks on my paper instead of only scribbling
- copy some simple scribbles
- turn pages in book
- eat and drink without difficulty
- use a spoon without lots of spilling
- drink from cup with little spilling
- play a “put-in” game
- play a “dump-out” game
- enjoy mirror play with my own image
- get your attention vocally or physically
- bring objects to show an adult
- copy or mimic your activities, like brushing hair
- hug you and enjoy being hugged, cuddled, and touched
- play near others, but not with them
The developmental chart on the Child and Family Development website for information about milestones for children ages 0-6 years.
Call the office at 704-541-9080 to schedule a free phone intake with a member of our pediatric therapy teams including:
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
Learn more here.