When I am 3 years old, I can…
- begin symbolic play
- begin cooperative play and share with others
- cope with changes to my routine
- talk in short 3-4 word phrases with mostly intelligible speech with some sound or word repetitions
- pronounce /y,k,g/ clearly
- name many common objects and grow my vocabulary
- use many nouns and verbs
- ask and answer simple questions
- describe actions in pictures and in my environment
- tell you my full name
- follow 2-3 part simple directions
- recall 2 or 3 numbers to build my memory
- identify some parts of my body
- enjoy physical activities and play
- rise from a squatting position to stand up
- kick a large ball with forward leg motion independently
- jump forward with both feet
- walk up stairs with alternating feet
- walk down stairs with or without holding a rail
- stand on 1 foot for 1-2 seconds
- do more fine motor work with my fingers and hands
- work on my pencil grasp
- copy a drawing of horizontal and vertical lines
- copy a drawing of a circle
- trace some simple marks on a paper
- hold a pencil or crayon correctly with my fingers and thumb
- thread a bead or shoelace
- attempt to cut paper with children’s scissors
- manage clothing during toileting
- try to ride a tricycle
- line up objects in a row
The developmental chart on the Child and Family Development website for information about milestones for children ages 0-6 years.
Call the office at 704-541-9080 to schedule a free phone intake with a member of our pediatric therapy teams including:
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
Learn more here.