Child & Family Development Child & Family Development

October 27, 2014

October is Bullying Awareness Month: common signs of a child who is bullying

“Be on the lookout for bullying, and if you see something, say something, do something.”

–U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Whether they are the perpetrator, the victim, or the observer, bullying impacts almost every child at one point throughout their schooling. Bullying episodes on average last only 37 seconds and between 40-75% of incidents occur during transitional periods of the school day (i.e., cafeteria, hallways, or bathrooms). Not surprisingly, school professionals only notice or intervene in one out of 25 incidents.

These statistics can be alarming to any parent. For parents of children who have learning disorders or ADHD, their children are at even more of a special risk. Children with these difficulties may have difficulty understanding social cues, self-regulating their behaviors, appropriately problem-solving, etc. These social miscues can be misconstrued by peers causing the child to be the victim of bullying.  

Here are some signs that can help you determine if your child may be bullying others:   

  • Get into physical or verbal fights
  • Have friends who bully others
  • Are increasingly aggressive
  • Get sent to the principal‚Äôs office or to detention frequently
  • Have unexplained extra money or new belongings
  • Blame others for their problems
  • Don‚Äôt accept responsibility for their actions
  • Are competitive and worry about their reputation or popularity

Learn more about bullying at:

Stop Bullying –

The National Center for Learning Disabilities –

Look for their parent toolkit entitled, Bullying: What’s a Parent to Do?

The psychologists and educators at Child and Family Development can help children who have been the victim or are the perpetrator of bullying.  Contact us at (704) 541-9080 or (704) 332-4834 if you would like to schedule a session to talk with one of our highly skilled psychologists and educators. 
